Prealpine walks in Spring
This spring and early summer, Tanya and I headed to the Prealps to get some walking in while the snow melted up high. We first headed to Les Avants, famous for its narcisses flowers. From there we walked up a well-worn path to Sonloup, then up past the Goille aux Cerfs and across crests and valleys. A short steep climb got us to the Col de Lys, next to the similarly named Dent, from where we had wonderful views across a lot of the Alps. We headed down the other side of the Col to eventually end up at Les Sciernes d'Albeuve, where we cooled down in the shade before catching the train back to Montreux. Along the way we saw narcisses flowers, marmots, and a solitary ungulate (it was in the distance and we couldn't quite decide whether it was a bouquetin or chamois, but it definitely had hooves).
Another weekend we went walking near Les Plans sur Bex in the Alpes Vaudoises. The weather forecast was for storms in the late afternoon so it was with some trepidation that we set out from Le Pont de Nant. It was a hot day and we sweated our way up to La Vare and the valley behind the giant Argentine.
After a while we got to the Col des Essets (2029 m), where snow drifts were still hanging around. From here we could see clear across to Les Diablerets, which was rapidly being covered by cumulus clouds. We had a quick lunch then made a fast retreat back to the Pont de Nant, as the storms grew and rumbled in the distance.
The last of our spring walks was in the Prealpes Fribourgoises, when we walked from Les Baudes, past the Cabane de Bounavaux, and up to the Col de Bounavalette (1996 m). It was a short walk but one that was exceptionally rich in both wildlife and precipitation. We saw two baby foxes, a giant snail, some salamanders, and a whole herd of chamoix. And it rained for the second half of the walk.