Spring skiing in Zermatt

On a clear day above Zermatt, like we had last Sunday, it is impossible to argue with the Matterhorn's status as the iconic mountain. It's very impressive. Just look at this thing!

On Sunday, although it was sunny on the Swiss side, on the Italian side the valley filled up with cloud that swirled and rolled over the col next to the mountain. I made a little timelapse to show the cloud movement and the Matterhorn's nice plume.

Cloud on the Italian side of the Matterhorn.

Cloud on the Italian side of the Matterhorn.

It's already May, but there has recently been quite a lot of snow falling high in the hills, so the skiing conditions were excellent.

Cervin (top), Tanya (bottom).

Cervin (top), Tanya (bottom).

This is Pete's Matterhorn Manual:


The conditions changed substantially overnight, and it snowed all of the next day. This meant that we had loads of incredible fresh powder to ski, but also that it was almost whiteout conditions. The snowboarders borrowed poles to get across some flat sections in the fresh snow.

Georgie and Pete enjoying the powder.

Georgie and Pete enjoying the powder.

The Matterhorn's status is strong and it remained just as iconic even when we couldn't see it. Cheers, Zermatt!


Biking around Lavaux


The Alps from the air