A few days in the antipodes

A few weeks back I spent a few days in New Zealand, with Tanya's lovely family, and then a few days in Australia to catch up with my own lovely family. Here's what happened.

I flew in to Christchurch over those gorgeous and familiar Southern Alps, and the braided Waimakariri river.

Only a few days later I flew out west, across the same alps. There was fresh snow on the hills.

In Australia I survived on coffee, and enjoyed re-exploring Canberra's flourishing hipster cafe scene.

I went to the coast for a day, with Tanya and my Mum. It was so nice to see and smell the Australian bush again, and the beach was just as wild and beautiful as I remembered.

It rained the entire day. The kangaroos didn't care in the slightest.

Tanya went for a swim because of course Tanya went for a swim!

We also visited this giant spotted gum, which is rumoured to be 800 years old.

Then all too soon it was time to fly back to Europe. In Switzerland, spring arrived while we were away.


Skiing in May in Zermatt


Singapore's Gardens By The Bay